BNPC engages role players in work ethic

In its drive to promote a good work ethic culture, the Botswana National Productivity Center continues to engage critical stakeholders especially in creating awareness on the issues and its implications on the national economy.

Addressing stakeholders at the national Vision secretariat Consultative workshop, Productivity and Quality Awareness Programme Manager Mr. Teedzani Majaule said for the past nine years poor work ethic has been Botswana's number one problem in doing business.

Botswana, accordingly to the Global Competitiveness Report, an annual publications of the World Economic Forum, is the only country in southern Africa, that has poor work ethic as a leading problem and possible impediments to foreign business setting up here.

Contrary to a commonly held position that the civil service is plagued by poor work ethic, Mr.Majaule told delegates to the conference that "the culture of poor work ethic cuts across all sectors of the economy".

He pointed out that it is vital in any organization and country for people to possess a good work ethic since it drives productivity which in turn impacts on the overall competitiveness of the national economy.

Some of the implications of a poor work ethic, Majaule said, include Botswana not attracting foreign investment, low levels of productivity negative impact on the overall growth of the economy and failure to achieve the ideals of the national vision. One of the pillars of the national vision is for Botswana to be a productive and prosperous nation in 2016 and beyond.

Mr. Majaule said of importance for delegates to know is that organizations should strive to have employees with "the right attitude. "

A good attitude is core in driving employees overall productivity. Additionally, attitude is one of the core qualities of an employee who possesses a good work ethic. Other attributes include dependability, trust, integrity and capacity to take initiative.

Realizing the magnitude of the problem in Botswana, Mr. Majaule said the BNPC, working with partners like the government, rolled out a three year intervention programme to address the issue of poor work ethic.

To date, through the intervention, more than 300 hundred trainers of trainers in government t has been trained on work ethic. They, in turn, will cascade the training to other employees in their ministries and departments.

Furthermore, the BNPC has embarked on an aggressive media campaign, using radio and print communication, to create awareness amongst the local population. The BNPC also provides technical support to departments in need in the roll out of the intervention.

Mr. Majaule said in addressing the issue of work ethic in Botswana, several issues will have to be dealt with . They include health and safety, leadership and management, and human resources matters.