The Botswana National Productivity Centre (BNPC) has over time gained extensive experience in improving overall productivity of Companies in various industries. Of note, In 2001 BNPC partnered with the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) to develop a methodology for improving production in manufacturing entities in Botswana. This was implemented in the chemical, textile, brick manufacturing, oil and meat industries.

BNPC further partnered with Social Research in Industry Foundation for Scientific and Technological Research (SINTEF) Norway to develop methodologies for improving productivity and profitability of SMME's and facilitate the transformation of these enterprises into nationally and regionally competent businesses. This was implemented in SMME's that were exporting their products and services at the time.

From 2006 to 2011, through the assistance of Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), BNPC Consultants were trained in Lean Management, Green Productivity, Industrial Housekeeping, Process Improvement, Industrial Engineering Techniques, Quality Management, Performance Management and Performance Measurement and Innovation. Working in teams, BNPC staff delivered these techniques in various entities in South Africa, under the supervision of their instructors.

Further, BNPC partnered with the Japanese Productivity Centre (JPC) over a three-year period to empower BNPC staff with skills and competencies to implement KAIZEN, Just in Time Management (JIT) and other Japanese improvement methodologies in Botswana. These were implemented in the meat and meat processing companies, textile, pottery, brick making and service industries.

In 2014, BNPC was engaged by the Centre for Development Enterprise (CDE) to deliver elements of the Private Sector Development Programme (PSDPC). To this end BNPC has completed assigned audits and is currently working with 34 SMME's to turn around their fortunes, and save jobs. This current work is being funded through the Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme, a component of the larger PSDP.

BNPC is a proud partner of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and lead efforts to improve Botswana's Competitiveness with other key stakeholders both in the Public and Private Sector. In 2015, the Centre will publish biennial Productivity Statistics which are intended to further guide policymaking and productivity improvement efforts.


  1. BNPC has been ISO 9001:2008 Accredited and has remained in good standing since 2009. BNPC Quality Management Systems clients continue to attain and maintain ISO 9001:2008 Accreditation. She has successfully led agencies such as PAADB to accreditation.
  2. As a partner to the Service Quality Institute, BNPC has transformed service in selected firms in the financial sector, particularly in insurance and development finance
  3. Through BNPC interventions, in partnership with its key partners, Productivity Awareness in Botswana has increased from 17 percent in 1997, to 89 percent in 2007.
  4. Implementation of Performance Management Systems (PMS) in both central and local government
  5. Institutional Accreditation with Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA)
  6. 24 BQA Accredited Programmes. All BNPC Consultants are in good standing with BQA.
  7. Clients from both the Public and the Private Sectors
  8. Well Trained and Experienced Team of Consultants


  1. Consulting, Training, Facilitation and Research
  2. Productivity and Quality Tools
  3. Labour-Management Relationship Building
  4. Staff Engagement Schemes: e.g. Suggestion Schemes
  5. Quality Improvement Schemes :e.g. Quality Circles (PDCA/PDSA), WITs
  6. Problem Analysis: e.g. Root Cause Analysis, Brainstorming, Oshikawa/ Fish Bones, Pareto, Step-wise Voting
  7. Green Productivity
  8. Waste Management (7W)
  9. Value Added Productivity Measurement (VAPM)
  10. Benchmarking and Best Practices
  11. Kaizen/ Continuous Improvement Process; 5S
  12. Lean Management
  13. Just-In-Time (JIT) Production/ Operation Systems
  14. Structured On-the-Job-Training (OJT)
  15. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
  16. Integrated Management Systems
  17. Developing Service Cultures
  18. Service Quality Measurement


  1. Six Sigma Green Belt
  2. Quality Management Systems (leading to ISO 9001:2008 accreditation)
  3. Lead Auditor for auditing Quality Management Systems
  4. Business Process Re-engineering
  5. Crosby's Quality Improvement
  6. Internal Auditor; in Environmental Management System
  7. Health and Safety (NOSA)
  8. Project Management (PRINCE 2 Practitioners)
  9. Assessment Services - EFQM, SADC, SME's
  10. Productivity Research
  11. Specialised Productivity Related Research:- Staff Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction, Productivity Baseline Studies, Absentism Studies
  12. Executive, Leadership and Transition Coaching
  13. Supervisory Development

How we Work

BNPC Staff are experienced consultants, trainers and researchers.

As consultants, the Staff offer solutions that are customised for clients. The objective is to improve results at firm level, while capacitating staff. Consultants conduct comprehensive needs studies and audits, and design interventions around the identified needs. Post implementation of interventions, the Centre conducts impact assessments to demonstrate success or lack thereof.

The Centre's Public and in-house training workshops as well as conferences also remain popular. BNPC's training Programmes are designed to be innovative and to make impact. We believe that training should provide participants with the capability and the motivation to make real improvements in performance in the workplace. Performance improvement only occurs as a result of change. At BNPC, we believe that our responsibility is not just to provide training, but also to help create the environment to turn ideas into actions through the application of new knowledge in the workplace. An integral part of our Programmes is our follow-up with Programme participants. This typically includes telephone support, implementation exercises between modules and some on-site support from our training staff. These tools, combined with the commitment of the participants to learn, mean that improvements in productivity and quality will really occur.

BNPC has proved itself as a competent partner in improving Botswana companies' productivity in sectors. We are been adequately prepared, with experience, are reliable and available to support organisations we partner with. We also have the capacity to measure the impact of our interventions.